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About the PBLC

Founded in 1936 to safeguard police pensions, the Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association has grown into Illinois' top police association. Through the PBPA, the Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee is a member of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), a coalition of nationwide police unions and associations organized to advance the interests of America's law enforcement officers through legislative advocacy, political action and education. NAPO represents more than 200,000 full time and retired sworn police officers.

The PBLC Commitment

The Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee is a not for profit corporation affiliated with the Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association. Our highly trained, specialized staff includes experienced labor representatives and in-house legal counsel, all of whom participate in continuing legal and labor education. The PBLC's board of directors, also known as the State Labor Committee, is organized by and for the rank and file and is composed solely of full time police officers.

Leading the Way

The Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association took the lead in securing collective bargaining rights for law enforcement officers in Illinois. By helping draft the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act and then spearheading it's passage, the PBPA has been at the forefront of police labor issues. The Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee was created to further advance the PBPA's police representation and protection goals. Since it's inception, the PBLC has led the way in preserving the rights and enforcing the collective bargaining agreements of Illinois law enforcement professionals.

Protecting the Protectors

Heading into collective bargaining without a professional negotiator and the backing of a statewide police union is like confronting an armed suspect without a weapon and back-up. Your fellow officers have good intentions, but they're no match for the experienced negotiators retained by your employer. Bargaining a fair contract requires the work of skilled negotiators and professionals trained in the arts of mediation and arbitration. You need and deserve excellent representation and with the PBLC, you'll have it.


Collective Bargaining

Your bargaining unit is unique. The Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee represents each individual bargaining unit based upon the needs, goals and expectations of that Unit. Your PBLC Labor Representative provides assistance, advice and advocacy at the bargaining table.

Contract Maintenance

Once an agreement is reached, the PBLC monitors employer/employee actions during the term of the contract to ensure compliance. Your Labor Representative takes a proactive stance by meeting periodically with both the bargaining unit and management to address concerns and prevent misunderstandings.

Interest Arbitration

If a satisfactory bargaining agreement cannot be reached, the PBLC will provide an experienced attorney to represent your bargaining unit at interest arbitration at no additional expense to the unit.

Grievance Processing

Through a Labor Representative and, in some cases, Legal Counsel, the PBLC provides advice and assistance to bargaining units and individual members in filing and processing grievances.

Grievance Arbitration

There are occasions in which a compromise cannot be reached amicably. If your contract provides for grievance arbitration, the PBLC will provide and experienced attorney to represent your bargaining unit or an individual member at binding grievance arbitration at no additional cost to the unit.

Unfair Labor Practices

The PBLC will process all unfair labor charges against your employer and argue before the State Labor Relations Board at no additional cost the unit or it's member.


Legal advice as close as a phone call

The Legal Defense plan is a pre-paid, pre-planned legal service available to all certified Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee members in good standing.

The legal defense benefit includes:

• Representation at discipline and discharge proceedings at Arbitration or before the Police and Fire Board or Civil Service Commission.
• Representation during internal investigation interviews.
• Representation during criminal investigations and proceedings in which the criminal offense allegedly occurred during the performance of the member's official police duties.
• Initial consultation and advice in civil rights violation cases, including referral to a reputable civil rights attorney for representation at a discounted rate.
• Peace of mind in know that if you are accused, you have someone to turn to.

Attorney-Client Relationship

Any member who uses this benefit becomes the client of the individual attorney retained for representation. The Labor Committee will not infringe upon the attorney's independent professional judgment in rendering legal services under this plan.

Of Special Note

Legal services will not be provided under this plan if the adverse party is the Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee or the Policemen's Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois.


For a complete list of all of our PBPA member benefits and discounts, click here

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