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Election Information

Early Voting
Registered voters may cast a ballot prior to Election Day without having to provide a reason for wanting to vote early. This ballot is cast by personal appearance at the office of the election authority (usually either a county clerk or a Board of Election Commissioners.)    

To find your early voting location, visit:  

Grace Period Voter Registration 
Grace period allows for the registration of voters and for change of address during the period from the close of registration through election day. During this period, an unregistered elector may register to vote or submit a change of address only in person in the Election Office. If a person registers during this specific grace period time frame, they may only vote in person in the Election Office, not at the polling place on Election Day. Please note that once a voter casts a grace period ballot, the vote cast is final and may not be revoked and the voter is not eligible to cast a vote on Election Day.   

A Grace Period voter must present two forms of identification, at least one of which shows the current address. Acceptable forms of identification include: driver's license, state identification card, passport, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck stub, or other government document that shows your name and address.  

Voter Registration 
Under federal law, citizens may apply to register to vote by mailing in an application. The applications are available at some public and private facilities where you live. Also, applications can be downloaded from the Illinois State Board of Elections website. When you apply for registration using the mail-in form, it must be postmarked prior to the close of registration. To check if you are registered to vote, visit the Illinois State Board of Elections website and go to the link called "Registration and Polling Place Information." 


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