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PB&PA Unit #6
Get Hooked On Fishing, Not Drugs & Violence!

Taking a youngster fishing can be one of the most rewarding experiences an adult can have with a child. The Rockford Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit #6 hopes the 11th Annual Cops-n-Bobbers Kids Fishing Derby help not only to whet your appetite for fishing, but help bring the experience into focus. We believe the mentor is crucial to the development our community youths.

This is a great opportunity to listen and communicate with your youngster. It's a chance to talk about nature, his or her school, their friends, things they like or dislike - plus it's building a foundation that will keep your youngster focused on this great American sport for many years to come. 

Our primary goal is to teach children there is an alternative to drugs and violence through the sport of fishing. This event not only provides mentors but quality time for families to spend together. We are proud to host the 5th Annual Cops-n-Bobbers Kids Fishing Derby and look forward to seeing you next year on the water!
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